My Home Spa

“VinoSpa”, meaning wine spa was created with you in mind, to bring the spa to your home. Each product has been carefully created with spa-quality natural, vegan ingredients and essential oils, with the consultation of 10 estheticians.

My Home Spa…I will never look at my bathroom the same way.

With all the changes in the world lately I really missed my spa adventures and wanted to come up with a creative way to enjoy this at home! I have to say not only have I found it convenient and much less expensive, it easily fits into my schedule and I don’t have to travel to arrive at my spa!

With VinoSpa Products, you bring the spa to your home. The advantages? There are many. You can sip wine at home. You can create a sensuous evening with your partner. You can retire to your comfy bed in just a few steps.

I love to choose the evening, however, you can choose to have a morning spa or afternoon spa. My bathroom is much darker and so I close my door and turn up the heat in the room for 30 minutes. I light one of my favorite VinoSpa Candles for 15 minutes and let the amazing essential oils fill the room. I draw my bath and put a few scoops of my Noble Spa and a little extra plain Epsom salts into the water. During this time, I have put my waterproof speaker in the bathroom with my Spotify on my I-phone and start my spa music. My cozy robe and slippers are hanging and ready for me once I am done. One of my favorite tricks is to put a couple of towels in the dryer and let them run for an hour. Once the dryer is done, I have my husband bring them up to me and I wrap myself in them and enjoy the warmth.

Back to my bath, I immerse myself into the tub and dampen my hair. I create lovely and gentle suds, rinse and then massage Oil into my scalp and run my fingers down to the ends to pull it through. With my eyes closed, I breathe in the relaxing essential oils whilst I massage my scalp in slow circular motions feeling the tension of the day escape. I finish with a slow massage on my earlobes feeling like I am in my favorite spa. I wrap my hair with my turban towel and move on to my body.

I carefully stand in the tub and suds my body with my choice of Body Wash and follow with a firmer massage using my Body Scrub all over enjoying the feeling of the grains and salts polish my skin, sloughing away the old and dry and leaving a smooth finish. I immerse myself back into my warm water and use my loofah or rislin glove to remove any residue of the product. Now I move on to my face, neck, and décolleté.

Slowly dampen your face, neck, and décolleté. Massage Facial Cleanse in a gentle upwards motion. I then splash some warm water to remove Facial Cleanse and pat dry and then dab a small amount of Tone on my face. Next, the Masque. I mix Masque with some of our wine lees (you can use yogurt or honey depending upon your skin condition), and apply it to my full neck, décolleté, and then face, avoiding eyelids and eyes. Lie back and put some sliced cucumbers on your eyes. Now I pour my favorite 40 Knots Soleil Rosé in a beautiful plastic wine glass (just to be safe) and relax for 10 or longer, just enough to enjoy my wine.

I now remove my masque with VinoSpa fabric. It is so luxuriously soft. Once removed, I follow up with Tone. Now it’s time to drain the tub. I finish with massage Moisture starting with my forward, then temples, all sinuses, cheeks, and jaw.

My husband has very nicely left my warm dryer towels on the counter and I can pat dry. Now with my Body Butter in hand, which I adore, I take the time to inhale and massage my whole body including my feet and slide into my robe and slippers.

Now it’s time for one more glass of my 40 Knots. I switch to Pinot Noir, and flop in total relaxation upon my bed to watch my favorite movie of all time, Serendipity!

Recap: This is what you are going to need to set up your home spa:

  • Turn up the heat in the bathroom
  • Chill your wine if you choose bubbly, white or rosé
  • Unbreakable Wine glass
  • VinoSpa Candle of your choice
  • Noble Spa
  • Waterproof speaker and phone loaded with spa music
  • Cozy robe
  • Slippers
  • Two towels in the dryer
  • Turban or hairband
  • Oil
  • VinoSpa Hair and Body Wash
  • Body Scrub
  • Loofah
  • Facial Cleanse
  • Masque (lees, honey or yogurt)
  • Cucumber slices
  • Tone
  • Moisture
  • Butter
  • Your favorite movie loaded and ready to push play


Gayle Miller

I have always wanted to write. I am honoured to be invited to write for 40 Knots.
I hope to entice you into following me on my passions and adventures.